
Company Policy

SIM srl has adopted and maintains a Management System that complies with the requirements of the International standard UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 in order to achieve the following general objectives:

  • communicate to the outside the message of an effective and certified organizational system in the company, at a time when the market demands efficiency and reliability;
  • guarantee to the customer the execution of each order with proposed quality, in technical and economic terms;
  • make reliable the organization of company to aim for high customer satisfaction;
  • give lasting development to the company.

To achieve these objectives, our Company is committed to:

  • understand and periodically review the Business Context and internal/external factors that may affect business or company policies;
  • define the parties involved in the company (stakeholders), bearing in mind their expectations;
  • define the tasks and responsibilities of the staff in an organic and clear way;
  • apply techniques and quality methodologies to keep under control the business activities;
  • define in a complete and precise way the characteristics of the product to manufacture;
  • plan and coordinate the activities to be carried out and supervise their correct conduct;
  • manage the business risks, from every point of view, to prevent and neutralize before the problems;
  • in continuous way, train and update on new technologies, materials and production processes;
  • increase the use of innovative technologies, tools or approaches;
  • empower and make the staff part of the team, asking for the utmost collaboration and commitment to guarantee continuous development and improvement;
  • raise awareness among suppliers to the problems related to quality and adopt measures of encouragement for them to adopt themselves a management system;
  • operate in full compliance with current legislation.

Together with the general objectives, the Management of SIM srl defines, year by year, on the occasion of the Management Review, the specific qualitative objectives that it intends to achieve also in relation to aspects such as:

  • customer satisfaction;
  • acquisition of new skills and professional experience of staff;
  • continuous improvement of the production efficiency of the company, through the continuous maintenance of a dynamic Quality System.

The Company Policy and the procedures are disclosed to all staff involved in periodic meetings; the correct and complete understanding and implementation of the Company Policy is systematically verified as part of internal audits.

All the responsible Functions have direct responsibility for the implementation of what is contained in the prescriptive documents prepared and relevant.

The Head of the Quality Management System, appropriately appointed and in direct reporting with the Management, has the task of coordinating the projects necessary to develop the Management System, to verify that it is part of real business process, and that it remains intact and does not receive external conditioning. He also verifies that the internal auditing system is faithful and effective.